TinyButStrong Error CacheSystem plug-in: The cache file './tbscache/cache_search-www.celsoazevedo.com / files / android / google-ca-1.html' can not be saved.
www.celsoazevedo.com / files / android / google-ca :: 哇哇3C日誌


AndroidContentandGuides.PersonalmirrorandarchivewithfilesandguidesforAndroiddevices.GoogleCameraHub:GoogleCameraPortDownload.,GCamPort:BSGapks·MGC_9.2.113_A11_V18(BSG,2024-07-20,configs,android11+)·MGC_9.2.113_A11_V17(BSG,2024-07-13,configs,android11+)·MGC_9.2.113 ...,Aboutconfigfiles:Differentphonesneeddifferentsettings.Configfilesallowuserstoquicklyimport(load)andexportsettings.IfGCamdoesn't...

Android Content and Guides

Android Content and Guides. Personal mirror and archive with files and guides for Android devices. Google Camera Hub: Google Camera Port Download.


GCam Port: BSG apks · MGC_9.2.113_A11_V18 (BSG, 2024-07-20, configs, android 11+) · MGC_9.2.113_A11_V17 (BSG, 2024-07-13, configs, android 11+) · MGC_9.2.113 ...

Config Files for BigKaka's GCam 8.8

About config files: Different phones need different settings. Config files allow users to quickly import (load) and export settings. If GCam doesn't work ...

Google camera in oneplus7

Here is the direct link - https://www.celsoazevedo.com/files/android/google-camera/f/changelog948/. Not in my opinion, the quality is sometimes better, but ...

Google Camera Port DevelopersModders

Description about each Google Camera Port developer and links to their download pages.

Google Camera Ports Download

A download hub for some of the Google Camera mods. From devs like BSG, Arnova8G2, and many others. Android content hub »; Update alerts: telegram, rss feed ...


CameraGo_2.5_Greatness_210725_2109. By Greatness. Download: CameraGo_2.5_Greatness_210725_2109_cameralite.apk (com.google.android.apps.cameralite) ...

Recommended Stable Google Camera Port Versions

A list of suggested / recommended and known to be stable Google Camera apks.

[問題] POCOF5&F5Pro是否支援AR+?

2023年5月11日 — celsoazevedo.com/files/android/google-ca 05/12 14:38. → FantisyP: mera/ar/ 05/12 14:38. → FantisyP: https://reurl.cc/d7620M 還是有辦法裝的 ...

[請益] Note 9 Gcam - 看板Android

2019年2月4日 — 最近買了Note 9獵戶座,版本是Pie, 不知道有沒有人知道哪個版本的Gcam可以在Note 9上面正常執行然後有夜拍模式可以用呢? 試過很多版本, ...